Friday, May 10, 2013

Not a good day, but still I remain STRONG

Woke up and checked my inbox on Facebook. It was filled with so much HATE MAIL for me and my family




  1. Is Jodi unable to get mail during her stay in the psych ward?

  2. Also , I would just like to say I am disappointed in LaViolette's work in the case. For one thing the POWER and CONTROL wheel is the main staple in DV work. I wonder why this was not presented to Jodi or in court. You can't expect her to remember every little thing (and many of which she wouldn't even know were abusive or not!) Women always think they are not being abused unless they have marks to prove it. There is sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse. I feel the lack of a TRUE expert did a huge disservice to Jodi, there was no presentation of sexual abuse continuum's, emotional abuse continuum's, or physical.

  3. I do not think the family did anything wrong and their feelings now are understandable. It is a daughter, sister, etc., after all. However, there was one person stalked, abused, murdered and it wasn't Jodi. She is a borderline. She is a narcissist. She is a psychopath. Even if he called her names, no excuse for murder. The sex was two ways all the way. Why did she tape it? To use later for blackmail? It seems that might have been what he meant in his final messages. Still, family is innocent. Jodi is guilty.

  4. In addition, your example of hate to your family on facebook was all about hate of Nancy Grace.... Huh? I am confused.

  5. I'm with Beverly Gray for the most part. I believe whole-heartedly in Jodi's guilt. Not just because she confessed it, but because the physical evidence makes it clear. I also do not believe that Travis was at all abusive, not just because of the testimony of everyone who legitimately knew him, including ex-girlfriends, but because unfortunately Jodi has lied continuously throughout the last few years about this situation in an attempt to save herself, many of which she has admitted to. I don't see how, without absolutely any evidence aside from her say-so, people could be expected to believe her claims about Travis, especially considering that the self-defense idea never came into play until it became evident to her that nothing else was going to work. With that said, I cannot imagine anyone spewing hate at you or your family for this. My heart breaks for BOTH families here, yours and the Alexander families. No matter who killed who, no matter who said what, no matter if there were abuse or stalking on one or both sides, no matter the name calling, none of that was the fault of these two individuals' family members. I am equally disgusted by people I have seen on the internet trashing your family and those I have seen trashing the Alexander family. None of you asked for this. They have lost their brother to a horrible death and you have in some ways lost your cousin/sister/daughter to this situation as well. No matter ANYONE'S stance on this case, I don't think any compassionate or remotely reasonable person could blame the Alexanders for believing in their brother's innocence or blame your family for supporting Jodi. If it had been my brother in Travis's shoes, there is no way that anybody could ever convince me he had deserved it, no matter what. If it had been my sister in Jodi's shoes, there is no way anyone could convince me that she premeditated it or truly wanted to hurt anyone. You guys didn't do anything, Travis's family didn't do anything, there is no VALID reason for anyone to be trashing either one of you, sending any of you hate mail, making fun of any of you, calling any of you names, etc. People who could do that genuinely have something wrong with them and a true lack of compassion. You didn't cause any of this chain of events to happen. I cannot imagine the pain that your family is going through, I don't think I'd be able to get up in the morning or breathe properly if I were in your shoes.
    Because of my strong stance in this case, I cannot tell you that I feel for Jodi. But I feel for you. And I am sorry for anyone who is hatefully trying to make it harder on you all than it already has to be.

  6. When you read into everything they've written then you will not feel sorry for these people. THEY say "bless you" to people, but what they've written all over the place has been HATE. SO, while the family and friends are not responsible for Travis's murder, they are still making excuses for JA's actions. They are enabling her and now blaming her attorneys for inadequate counsel, wanting a petition to get Jose Baez and Mark Geragos to take her case. How absurd? They think the jurors were basically bought by the media. I mean they have NO comprehension about what is going on and you'd think with having 5 yrs someone would have said, UM... she probably will be convicted because She really did murder him AND she's done nothing by LIE to everyone over and over and over and over. You know darn well that Travis never touched her - she made that up to help her defense that she also made up after 2 yrs. The American public is much smarter than you think (or than you can possibly see given your skewed vision)We all see right through her, clear as day, but she doesn't get that. She still thinks she has everyone fooled, that's why she as to regain control everytime she feels she has lost it - like being convicted, OH MY I want to die. she loves this attention. I have never seen a sicker human being in my life. What she did to that beautiful wonderful LOVED man was despicable and heinous. I hope you're so proud to be related.

    1. As I mother of 2 grown kids, I think I would support them no matter what they did but you are correct. I'm starting to see really nasty things written on the internet especially from this "cousin" who stooped to cursing Travis. What evil. It's almost funny about the attorneys. Nurmi BEGGED to get off the case. Jodi fought and fought to keep him on. It didn't go her way so, like with everything, it's not her fault. It's theirs. Believe me, ineffective counsel will NEVER work. They had ZERO to work with. A total liar. Mark Geregos? That is hysterical. As successful as he is (love him or hate him) I think it would be a cold day in hell when he would take the case. Baez, I'm not so sure about. He might want another shot at fame but his win with Casey was merely a fluke. Not good lawyering. He brought up something about the dad then never provided evidence during trial. This would be different. Way over his head and lightening would NOT strike twice. He should just continue to live off of the CA win and forget this. The petitions are a joke. After this, I can't imagine a lawyer willing to touch her with a 10 foot pole. I agree with you that she is the most evil person in the world. I agree the mom and family are enablers but in some way, I feel sympathy. If things work as they should, she will be just as dead as her murder victim, Travis.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. hmm, wrote a long answer and it says it was "removed by author"... too tired to redo it now but I will... wonder how it got removed.

  9. Oh she's guilty. If Travis killed Jodi and it was this much physical evidence I am sure her family would want Travis in jail. You can love Jodi but she needs to be in jail. She premeditated a murder. There was no abuse, it was a make believe story by her defense to get off.
